Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Top 10!

I know it's been awhile since my last post, but here are some things I've found during my travels around the Internet. Merry Christmas, everyone! If you're really good, I'll try to post again before January 1st, 2014 :) If you're naughty, then just assume I'm wishing you a Happy New Year and all good things...

1. Merry Christmas

2. This quote, because YES...

3. I usually don't laugh at these, but CHARLIE!

4. This tweet...

5. This thing that no one ever says...

6. Another Internet joke... especially important to remember around this time of the year!

7.  I can really relate to this right now. Have I mentioned how much I love Brian Andreas? (The answer is yes, and repeatedly.)

8. We spend a lot of time wondering if technology has made us more antisocial, but maybe we never really liked each other all that much in the first place ;) 

9. You'll never want to drive in the snow again...

10. For anyone using mass transportation over Christmas, please promise me you will do THIS...


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